Thursday, February 7, 2013

Throwback Thursday: Somewhere I Belong - Linkin Park

So I wanted to do another weekly post, and thought that talking about a throwback song would be a fun idea. The term "throwback" is vague, but I will try to keep it to 5+ years ago and beyond. For the first week, I decided to take a song from my favorite band, Linkin Park (surprise surprise). Seeing that their second album, Meteora, was released 10 years, I thought it would be an appropriate to talk about a song from it. I choose "Somewhere I Belong", which was one of my favorite songs during most of my childhood. There were times that I felt like I lacked a purpose, and didn't know what I was doing with my life. This song channeled not only that, but my sense of loneliness I would also feel. Beyond that though, it's a truly great song. The back and forth between Mike's raps and Chester belting out the chorus is one of the many factors that I love about Linkin Park's style. The song contains such emotionality and intensity, still speaking to people around the world today; I know it still speaks to me. I have every word memorized from the song, and probably from the whole album. I used to play this on repeat with my portable disc player in my room as a kid. I would get lost in the music and the sound, soaking it up and enjoying it simply because I loved it. I know that when I am older, and maybe have children, I will play this album, (along with the rest of Linkin Park's discography), and tell my kids about what it meant to me and how it got me through so much of my childhood.

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